31 Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 NLT The last verse in the first Chapter of Genesis, it reads, "Then God looked over all he made and he saw that it was very good. This is only half of the last verse but it is so powerful. The reason why this verse is so significant is because it displays the love that God truly has for us. In this reading, we learn how EVERYTHING that God has made is very good! Don't be down on yourself or feel like you're not good enough. God loves you when nobody else does. So what you are all alone and feel like no one else is there... I promise if you just talk and become closer to God, you will have no worries. Lean on God! He holds His hand out 24/7!! If His hand stays out 24/7 are you willing to stretch your hand out towards Him and hold His hand? If you just put faith in God and believe, you can do anything. Realizing that you can not take on life by itself will be the day everything turns around. Start believing in yourself because like Genesis 1:31 says, "Then God looked over all he made and he saw that it was very good!" Be blessed! |
January 2024