"Discipline your children; you'll be glad you did."
Proverbs 29:17 Several years ago, sociologists and child psychologists made an interesting discovery. Contemporary thought assumed that putting fences around playgrounds made children feel restricted in their recreation. And based on that theory it was decided to remove the fences so children wouldn't feel confined. To the astonishment of the experts, the opposite effect occurred. Researchers found that children became more inhibited in their activities. They tended to huddle toward the middle of the playground and exhibited signs of insecurity. Interestingly, when the fences were replaced, the children once more played with great enthusiasm and freedom. What's the lesson here? We all need boundaries-something to define the limits of safety and security. Whereas the "experts" theorized that boundaries restrict creativity, children on the playground proved that we need a clear understanding of what's safe and acceptable in order for ingenuity and inventiveness to flourish. That means your children will flourish and you'll function better as a parent when guidelines are clearly communicated, and the consequences for not following them are completely understood. There's a humorous story of a father who gave his sixteen-year-old son his first car. Before handing him the keys, he said, "This is a magic car, Son." "Really?" the boy replied. "Yeah," answered his dad. "One speeding ticket-and it will disappear!" And the first car you buy for your child should be a "magic" car too. Bottom line: God sets the rules for success in life, and He rewards those who honor them. In the words of Scripture: "Study this Book of Instruction continually... obey everything written in it.,.. then will you prosper and succeed in all you do" - Jos 1:8 "Turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."
Luke 9:23 Here are three Bible examples of radical commitment: (1) Commitment on the job. In the past, employers appreciated their workers, and workers valued their employers and their job. Today's workplace is often adversarial, with employees criticizing their bosses and doing the minimum required to get by, while many bosses have become increasingly demanding, taking their workers for granted. This isn't God's way. His way calls for mutual commitment between management and labor. Paul says: "Obey your earthly masters... always with an eye to obeying the real master, Christ. Don't just do what you have to do to get by... work heartily... keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders, you're really serving God" - Ephesians 6:5-8 (2) Commitment at church. Many Christians have adopted a cafeteria-style approach toward church. We pick what we like and leave what we don't. But membership in Christ's church involves a covenant relationship with a body of believers who watch over, cherish, and pray one another, and fulfill the great commission together. (3) Commitment to Christ. Christ is not looking for wishy-washy, "lukewarm" followers. He told the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me." That means you no longer follow your own wishes and will, you follow Christ and His will. That's radical commitment, and you are called to it. If you read this devotional or touched you in a way, "comment" #BelieveInTheBand below! "Crucified with Christ... I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."
Galatians 2:20 Many people today want to get as much as they can for themselves while giving as little in return as possible. They want to be there for their friends in the good times, but absent in the not-so-good ones. Sadly, national statistics confirm this lack of commitment. The marriage rate is down while the divorce rate is up. Involvement in ministry and worthy causes that help the needy are all down. Why? Because people don't want to put themselves on the line, or be pinned down by responsibility. We often view opportunities to serve others as obligations, therefore we avoid them. We're a sound bite generation with a short attention span, a custom to 15-second advertisements or videos and fast food. We want our sermons simple, entertaining, and "feel-good." Yes, radical commitment is rare-but it's what God requires of you. Commitment means your promise is binding whether it's convenient or not. Let's look at a few examples: Commitment to marriage. Marriage, as God sees it, isn't a fifty-fifty arrangement. It's a mutual agreement to give 100 percent of ourselves. It's a lifetime covenant between you and your spouse: "for better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; until parted by death." And that covenant is a lot easier to live up to when both partners have learned, like Paul, to say, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." That means dying to self-interest is the key to great relationships. If you read this devotional or touched you in a way, "comment" #BelieveInTheBand below! "The Lord your God will bless you as He has promised." - Deuteronomy 15:6
Sometimes life beats you down so much that you give up hoping and believing that anything good will ever happen for you. If that's where you are today, read these words: "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord... plans for good... to give you a future and a hope" - Jeremiah 29:11 God has a good plan for each of us, but not all of us experience it. Why? Two reasons: (1) We don't realize we have rights and privileges We believe God can save us and take us to heaven when we die, but don't think He can do anything about our past, present, or future (2) We live far below the level He intended because we see ourselves in the wrong light. We believe He can bless anybody - except us - because we're not worthy. God has clothed you in the righteousness of Christ, so you're worthy in His sight and He has plans to "bless you as He has promised." In Bible days when a new king came to the throne, he made sure the old king and his family were put to death; that way nobody could rise up against him. So when David replaced King Saul, Mephibosheth, Saul's grandson, fled to the wilderness in fear. But David was a different kind of king. Instead of seeking to wipe out his predecessor's family, he asked, "Is there still anyone... left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?" - 2 Samuel 9:1 "Why would God bless ME?" you ask. The answer is simple but clear: for Christ's sake!
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Today we had the opportunity to learn about @Patriots Defensive End Deatrich Wise (@deatrich @wiseup_dynamics) and his story.
Tap in to watch this motivational and inspirational interview. @uarkansas @laney34 @claycunningham32 @themikebeezy #BelieveInTheBand #WiseUp #motivation #inspiration #patriots #football #DE #defense #NFL #testimony #story
Today we had the opportunity to learn about Allie Freeman (@afreezy11) from North Little Rock, AR / Ouachita Baptist University Alum and his story. Tap in to watch this amazing interview. #BelieveInTheBand
Today we had the opportunity to learn about Gabe Nixon and his story. Tap in with this amazing interview!
January 2024