20 Then God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens." God created the waters and He let the waters "abound" with an abundance of living creatures. The word abound means, in large numbers or amounts. The verse continues notifying us that birds will fly above the earth and across the face of the firmament of the heavens. A better definition for firmament is sky. If you look up and notice what is in the sky, what do you see? I always see birds flying really high and together. Sometimes I see birds fly on their own but most times I see them traveling together. As many of you know, baby birds can't live without their momma. Their momma's teach them how to fly and what it takes to sustain life. When a baby bird is beginning to learn how to fly, the first few attempts, the baby bird fails. The baby bird tries and then fails. The baby bird tries again and fails. Over and over the baby bird tries to take-off and fly like its mother. But they key to this story is that no matter what, a baby bird will learn how to fly, no matter how long it takes. Even when a baby bird falls down, the baby bird continues to fight and try. The baby bird doesn't pout about not being able to fly, the baby bird learns from its past attempts and what its already went through, to help it for its next attempt. As Christians, we can't let our past attempts dictate our future attempts. Everything happens for a reason. Keep fighting and never give up. Believe in yourself and let's learn how to fly.
January 2024