Today's daily message is a little bit different. Last night me and a few of my friends literally were driving back to campus to take one of my friend's back to his place. We were traveling down Oakland street and we got hit by a car heading the opposite direction. The car hit us and our vehicle rotated several times and ended up the other direction. The other car ran the stop sign and hit us. I'm not good with things like this so I was shook up pretty bad. We literally were just inches a way of being with The Lord. I thought it was over with but God was with us and He knew the work that we've been doing on this Earth and he let us see another day. Even though I was still shook up, hurting and felt bad, I didn't let others see that. I still was able to brighten some people's day and make others smile. Whatever you're going through, always know that if The Lord lets you see another day, thank Him and appreciate what He has given to you because He could've easily took away Me, Vernon, Jamalin and Stanley's life last night. Brighten somebody's day with just a smile because you never know what somebody is going through. God will always protect the ones that He loves. We're blessed. "All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
January 2024