"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." (John 7:37)
Now a days it's a negative when someone is "thirsty". Being thirsty is like a new term that people use which can be defined as a term that means a person is desperate or really wanting someone or something. When a person is thirsty it is literally like the verb thirsty. That person is desperate for something to drink. But I say to you today that it is okay to be thirsty for God's love. I will not deny the fact that I am thirsty for God's love and don't mind talking about Him and sharing His love each and every second. He says in John 7:37 that it is okay to go to Him if you are thirsty! This is amazing because these lines can relate to today's society. Take your thirstiness to God! I'm not trying to be funny at all lol. I'm just speaking the truth! If you're thirsty like me, take your thirsty self to God. I'm thirsty as I don't know what for Him! Ayeeee lol |
January 2024